S l o w i n g D o w n
How many times in your guitar or piano lesson have you heard your instructor say, "Let's slow this passage down a bit?" You m

A PSA: The Power Of Routine
As the school year begins and we settle into a new, likely busier routine, time seems like it's becoming scarcer. We now have after...

Trust In The Process
Nearly every day, I walk through an apple orchard to get some exercise with my dog. It's a wonderfully rejuvenating practice that helps

Shout Out To The Parents!
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, Wayne Gretzky, Steve Jobs - these great men all had one thing in common. Can you guess what it might be? If you gue

Come Watch Us Perform!
Two fun performance opportunities featuring both Steve and Madison! Steve Newbrough Performs At Asheville Guitar Bar Tuesday, April 16th, at

Summer Music Camps - Now's The Time!
At a Suzuki Institute, your child can get specialized attention on their specific instrument and can make friends with and learn from others

Why Perform?
Recently in a lesson, I had a student express uncertainty as to whether or not he should perform. Both his parent and I were firmly in favor

A Few Quick Announcements!
I'm happy to announce that the winter piano and guitar recital has been set! Here are the details: Time: Saturday, February 23rd at 3pm...

Time To Rock! A Step-By-Step For Recital Prep
Why do we practice performing? To get better at it, of course! Live performance is another set of skills just like scales or arpeggios. We p

Holding Yourself Accountable
What exactly does holding yourself accountable look like? How can we do this effectively? In the context of any goal, whether it be to medit