Some Back To School Food For Thought
As the school year approaches (or maybe it's already begun for some of you!), parents and teachers everywhere are working very hard to...

Steve Newbrough Named One Of Asheville's Best
Wow! We couldn't be more thrilled! Thank you to our Asheville friends and family for voting for Steve Newbrough as one of the top three...
Parents: The Best Coaches and Cheerleaders! (part 2)
In Part 1 of this post, we talked about establishing a regular routine and rewarding self-discipline. Now for the really fun stuff! At...
Parents: The Best Coaches and Cheerleaders! (part 1)
If your family is new to the Summit Academy of Music, you might think that your child's lesson day is the only day every week where s/he...

The First Step to Becoming a Virtuoso Pianist
If you’ve just started taking guitar or piano lessons, you might be tempted to think that the most important day of the week is your...

7 Ways To Create Your Own Little Mozart
This weekend I was asked by a parent, “what’s the best thing parents can do to help their children learn to play music?” The answer to...

18 Child Prodigies On One Stage!
Shinichi Suzuki believed that any child could be trained to play an instrument extremely well. “Talent Education has realized that all...

Amazing guitar brain video!
This short video below explains how music engages the brain like nothing else. If you want to jumpstart the benefits that you’ll receive...

Guitar lessons? Read this first!
Sometime in the first half of the 20th century, Japanese educator Shinichi Suzuki had the massive realization that “Japanese children can...

4 girls playing guitar better than you…
At the Summit Academy of Music we teach guitar lessons to people of all ages. We also teach guitar lessons in all styles. Kids can do...