Welcome To A New School Year!
Hello and welcome to the new school year!
We're excited for another action packed fall here at Summit Academy of Music.
For this upcoming school year, we're making a few updates and clarifications to our studio policies.
For all existing students / parents & guardians, please fill out our online New Student Information Form as soon as you can. You should receive an email from your either your piano or guitar instructor, with this link. The information provided on this form is strictly confidential and allows us to serve our students and families with greater awareness of everyone’s health and safety needs.
Please provide a minimum of 48 hours notice for all cancellations to receive one makeup lesson or up to one lesson credit per month. More than one missed lesson in a month will not be eligible for a lesson credit into the following month. A second missed guitar or piano lesson will also not be eligible for a makeup.
Lessons cancelled with less than 48 hours notice are not eligible for lesson credits. However, a makeup time may be offered at the instructor’s discretion. If the student chooses not to take the makeup lesson, that lesson is forfeited.

Cash Policy (Separate Form To Be Signed)
For families needing to pay by cash or check on a weekly basis, a 48 hour notice for all cancellations is strictly required. Lessons cancelled with less than a 48 hour notice will fall under a three strikes per year policy. After the third lesson cancelled, families will be required to pay monthly or risk losing their time slot.
Weekly / Biweekly Lessons*
Prime time is from 2-7:30pm (M-Fr) and must accommodate weekly lessons only. Teachers who offer Saturday-Sunday lessons may choose to offer biweekly lessons during these days or during non-prime time hours Monday through Friday.
*If you're currently enrolled in biweekly lessons, this policy change does not affect you, but only applies to new or existing students who choose to opt for biweekly slots in the future.
Intro To Lessons For all students 10 and younger, we will require that families attend at least one lesson observation within the first 2 weeks of joining the studio, ideally before the first lesson. For many younger beginners, especially those beginning Suzuki piano or Suzuki guitar, this is an important part of building excitement into starting the music learning journey. It also helps frame expectations around appropriate behavior in a lesson environment.
Be aware that new students may occasionally observe one of your lessons, after you’ve spent some time in the studio. Please communicate with your instructor if you’d prefer not to be part of this program. We will do our best to let you know if / when visitors can be expected.
We appreciate your respect of our studio policies and are happy to answer any questions you may have regarding these updates!